Wednesday, March 23, 2016


The first time we fought, you and I,
I had promised you breakfast at Sharma's
And you'd promised to sing to me,
But I woke up at noon hungover and you 
Wouldn't grant me drunken immunity,
And I accused you of irrationality
But you accused me of betrayal,
And my crime was greater, indisputably,
And for half a day afterwards,
You held my heart in your hands
And squeezed it so I couldn't breathe,
And now that you've at last let go,
It hurts that never again will I
Hurt because you fought with me.


  1. I've been on the receiving side of this ordeal. I does feel like a betrayal..the breaking of a promise.

    Do you think dunken immunity can be expected from the person who puts that much trust in you?

  2. Two years, Poddy! Get back to writing.
